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- Manual For Periodic.ACC
- The following files should be included when you receive this program.
- PERIODIC.ACC - The Accessory
- PERIODIC.RSC - It's Resource file
- PAMANUAL.DOC - This file
- PERIODIC.GFA - The source code in GFA Basic version 3 format
- PERIODIC.LST - The source code in ASCII format
- README.1ST - Quick Info file
- Please note that this accessory will work best in high resolution.It will
- work in medium resolution but the dialogue boxes may be drawn badly.Low
- resolution does not have a big enougth screen area to show the dialogue
- boxes although the accessory will load in low res.I decided not to check
- res in the program to save memory.
- If you find any wrong information in this program or if you find any bugs
- in it or even if you want anything added to it then you can contact me
- either at the following address -
- Ian Robinson
- 61 Lochinver Drive
- Dundonald
- Belfast
- BT5 7AJ
- or you can contact me on CIX as irobinson.
- Installing the Accessory.
- As this program runs as an accessory it must be copied into the root
- directory of your boot disk along with the resource file.Note that
- the accessory will not be available until you reboot your computer.
- Using Periodic.ACC
- This program will present you with a standard Periodic table of the
- elements when you select Periodic Table from the desk menu.This table
- has a selectable button for each of the elements.These buttons can be
- selected and then clicking on Show Info will present you with a
- dialogue box showing information about the particular element.The
- info given is -
- Name - The elements name
- Symbol - The symbol used for that element
- Atomic number - The atomic number of the element
- Relative atomic mass - The relative atomic mass of the element
- Electron affinity - The electron affinity of the element.
- - These electron affinities are given in kJ
- - mol-1 at 298.15 K.
- Electonegativity - The electronegativity of the element on
- - the Pauling Scale
- Ionic radius - The ionic radii of the elements in
- - picometres.The values in parentheses show
- - the charge on the ion in question.Some
- - elements have more than one entry.This
- - reflects the fact that some elements can
- - havemore than one ionic state.
- Ionisation energy - There are three entries for the
- - ionisation energy.One for the first,
- - second and third ionisation energy.These
- - values are given in kJ mol-1.
- Electonic configuration - This box gives the electronic
- - configuration of the element in s-p-d-f
- - format.The order is shown in sub-shell
- - filling order.
- The Constants Button - Clicking on this button brings up a
- - dialogue box which shows the values of
- - some fundemental physical constants.
- The Quit Button - This button quits from the accessory.
- Updates
- You will notice that some of the elements do not have all off their
- information fields filled.There are two reasons for this.Firstly some
- of the elements do not have values for all of the fields.For example
- hydrogen can not have three ionisation energies as it only has one
- electron.
- Secondly,I do not know all of the values for all of the elements.I
- will upgrade the program when I get more data.I will not upgrade if I
- get say one or two pieces of information.Instead I will only upgrade
- when I consider that it is worth it.I hopre to get a lot more info on
- the rare elements like the actinides and lanthanides in the future.